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Zebras (3/4)



Zebras Class - 2023/24

Welcome to Zebra Class

Welcome back to the summer term! 

Please ensure that your child’s pencil case is fully stocked with a pencil, pen, rubber, sharpener, ruler, scissors and glue stick.

The children have an action-packed term this summer. Our books in English lessons focus on supporting descriptive writing and editing our own work. We continue to work on our timetables in maths lessons, time, statistics and shape. Our Stone Age to Iron Age topic will take us on a tour of thousands of years of history, ending with a trip to the fantastic to Celtic Harmony, based in Hertfordshire, where we get to experience Stone Age life for the day.

The children will be creating wikis, studying British artists and sewing their own money pouches too! 
Have a look at the French class website to see a gallery of the work the children have done, extension activities, songs and more!

Homework will be sent home on a Friday. It is extremely important that the children try their best to complete the work independently.

The work will always be related to the English and maths lessons that they are currently learning in class.

Topic homework is sent ½ termly and will come to you on a grid. Children are required to complete 2 of the activities before the next half-term holiday. Or more if they wish!

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday too, and the children are expected to complete the look, say, cover, write, check sheet on a daily basis and bring it in to be checked each morning.

Remember the children need to read daily and practice their times tables too. Please record reading in the reading diary.

