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Pupil Voice

 School Council

 At Turvey Primary School, we firmly believe that the children's voices should be heard; they are   our ‘good citizens of the future’ and we believe strongly that by giving them a voice we are   developing their social, moral, spiritual and cultural skills. As part of our British Values offer to   help teach about Democracy, our School Council are dedicated to being the voices of all students   from each class to help drive forward improvements that they are passionate about. Our School   Council provides a meaningful way for pupils to share their views, opinions and suggestions with   members of staff and the Senior Leadership Team, and helps to provide leadership and   development opportunities for them in the future.

 In previous years, the school council have led on the following elements of school life:

  • Developing our playground Rules
  • Improvements to the playground equipment;
  • Planting a new school hedge to support our eco ethos and to take part in the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative alongside the Eco-council.
  • Review and selection of our school values.

 Each year, pupils are invited to put themselves forward as a candidate for either the School   Council or Eco-council and encouraged to give a presentation why they should be chosen. Their   class members then vote  through a ballot and their representative for both councils is selected   based on a democratic vote.



 The Eco Council play a vital role at Turvey Primary School. Behind the scenes, each representing class member works hard to encourage their peers to help school be electrically efficient, environmentally-friendly and sustainable for the future. With one Eco Council member for each year group from Year 1 – Year 6, it allows the children to gain confidence in representing their friends' ideas to help our school be the best it can be.

 Roles include:

  • Ensuring lights, taps, whiteboards are off in each class when not being used
  • Promoting recycling throughout.
  • Looking after and preserving the school grounds – we recently planted a new school hedge to encourage wildlife and feed birds as part of The Queen’s Green canopy initiative, alongside the School Council.
  • Arranging litter picks.
  • Initiating ways to save electricity
  • Reducing the use of paper in school.
  • Making re-cycled ‘bricks’.