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Meerkats (R/1)

A warm welcome to Meerkats class page


Myself, Miss Jones and Mrs Burley will be sharing the roles of teaching in both classrooms this term and any questions or queries you have can be directed at any of us.

Please remember to send your child in each day with a named water bottle, their reading book and diary, any spare clothes they may need and a coat.

Reception Topic

The topic in reception for this term is 'wet and wild'. The children are learning about different bodies of water and the plants and animals that live in them. They will then focus their learning on minibeasts and the lifecycles of these. In summer 2 they will partake in tennis sessions run by Olney Tennis club.

Year 1 Topic

This is a geography based topic initially about the UK. They will study the difference between town and country, look at the 4 countries of the UK , name capital cities and recognisable landmarks. In the latter part of the term, the children will look at other countries around the world, studying a country on each continent. They will be expected to compare these countries to the UK.


Homework will be sent home on a Friday. It is extremely important that the children try their best to complete the work independently. The work will be related to the phonics or maths that they are currently learning in class. It needs to be returned to school by the following Wednesday.

Useful links